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About Customer

The customer is a US-based leading consultant in the Healthcare domain who offers competent consulting services to Healthcare sectors with an aim of developing business models that are cost-effective and sustainable.


The customer realized the need for integrating HIPAA compliance (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) with ERP software solutions, and develop a robust and resilient integrated solution that can be recommended to their healthcare clients. To develop such a sustainable solution without affecting their routine operations and processes was a major challenge.

HIPAA HMS ERP System - 01

Technology Used


Web Server

ASP.NET (C#) Framework 4.5

Programming Language

Microsoft SQL Server

Database Management Server

MVC / NHibernate framework


JavaScript, JQuery

Client Technology


Version Control

HIPAA HMS ERP System - 02
HIPAA HMS ERP System - 03

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  • The "Patient management module" handles patient records with complete accuracy.

  • "Laboratory records supervision" accumulates patient's clinical history. For ex. Blood report of a patient.

  • "Employee administration system" module manages the data of doctors and hospital staff.

  • "Role-based Access Control System" assigns roles to each employee and provides access rights to a system with respect to role. For ex. A Doctor has access to employee management and patient management system.

  • "Supplier management system" contains records of pharmaceutical companies associated with hospitals and medicines provided by them.

  • "Inventory solutions" manages stocks of medical items such as medicines, injections, instruments, stretchers etc.

  • "Appointment planning and scheduling" module assigns best suitable appointment on the basis of available slots.

  • "Report generation" module produces dynamic and accurate reports as per the need of the healthcare company.

  • Detailed information and customized "Dashboard" for patients, doctors, nurse, hospitals and other users.

  • Hospital portal includes "Admin user management", manages admin role for users.

  • "Wards availability system" identifies which patient needs to be admitted in which ward.

  • "Master data management" handles master records of country, state, lab state, and diagnosis.

image Conclusion/Results

With the customized ERP solution developed by iFour Technolab Pvt. Ltd., the customer helps healthcare clients achieve HIPAA compliance effectively. This cost-effective and sustainable solution manages patient data, ensures the availability of real-time information, generates reports and offers great customer satisfaction to its users.


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