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8 Game-Changing PowerPoint Add-ins to Elevate Your Business Presentations

Kapil Panchal - April 17, 2023

8 Game-Changing PowerPoint Add-ins to Elevate Your Business Presentations

Are you looking to boost your business presentations and impress your clients? Look no further than these top 8 PowerPoint add-ins that can help take your presentations to the next level. PowerPoint is a basic skill you must have as a professional. And when you deal with business clients rendering intuitive presentations is even more important. This is where PowerPoint Add-in development comes into play which makes presentations more engaging and informative. With the help of the right add-ins,...

ChatGPT won't replace custom Add-in developers: 10 reasons why?

Kapil Panchal - April 05, 2023

ChatGPT won't replace custom Add-in developers: 10 reasons why?

ChatGPT is an innovative AI language model that can understand natural language and generate human-like responses. Think of ChatGPT as your personal language assistant, capable of answering your questions, engaging in conversations, and providing valuable insights and information on a wide range of topics. With its vast knowledge base and ability to interpret the nuances of language, it can revolutionize the way of interacting with machines and other systems. Whether you're looking for answers...

VSTO web add-ins Vs Office 365 add-ins: Key differences to know

Kapil Panchal - February 28, 2023

VSTO web add-ins Vs Office 365 add-ins: Key differences to know

Microsoft Office is a suite of popular productivity applications, including Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint among others. With the advent of cloud computing, Microsoft has introduced two development models for creating add-ins that enhance the functionality of Office applications i.e., VSTO web add-ins and Office 365 add-ins. While both of these development models serve the same purpose, they differ in several key aspects, including their architecture, the platform they are built on,...

How to use Angular for Office 365 Add-in development?

Kapil Panchal - January 11, 2023

How to use Angular for Office 365 Add-in development?

Table of Content 1.How to use Angular with Office Add-ins? 2.How to generate Office Add-in Angular Application with Yeoman Generator? 3.Conclusion Angular is a leading JavaScript framework for developing web apps. It offers a number of advantages that make it well-suited for building Microsoft Office Add-ins. One of the key advantages is its ability to build complex and large-scale applications with ease. Angular's architecture, which is based on components and...

How Microsoft Office 365 Add-Ins can supercharge your productivity?

Kapil Panchal - January 10, 2023

How Microsoft Office 365 Add-Ins can supercharge your productivity?

Table of Content 1.What are Office 365 Add-ins? 2.Why should I use Office add-ins? 3.How are Office Add-ins different from COM and VSTO add-ins? 4.How do MS Office 365 Add-ins simplify daily routine? 5. The most significant modifications in Office 365 Add-ins for 2023 6.Pros and Cons of Office 365 Add-ins 7.Conclusion What are Office 365 Add-ins? Office 365 Add-ins allow you to enhance the capabilities of Office platforms such as Outlook, MS Word,...


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