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A complete guide on eCommerce conversion rate optimization

Kapil Panchal - May 27, 2022

A complete guide on eCommerce conversion rate optimization

Wondering what exactly is an eCommerce conversion rate? Let us explain. The e-commerce conversion rate is a significant metric that determines positive and negative impacts on the website as a result of the changes made to it. It is defined as the percentage of website visitors who converted or performed certain actions on the website. Ecommerce conversion rate optimization helps you to keep a pulse on your online shop and drives you to success. Every change you make on your website has the...

7 proven Tips to Secure Your Ecommerce Website

Kapil Panchal - March 15, 2022

7 proven Tips to Secure Your Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce websites provide an open platform for small and medium businesses to indulge in straight competition with the big whales. But what they often misses- Security of the website. Security is an often overlooked criterion. An e-commerce business needs to flourish with ease. This article will capture your focus on e-commerce security and how the website can be secured from outside threats that further damage the business. What is e-commerce security? Security of data...

How can eCommerce companies improve post-purchase engagement and increase retention?

Kapil Panchal - February 09, 2022

How can eCommerce companies improve post-purchase engagement and increase retention?

Table of Content The duration between when a buyer checks out and product delivery to their home is the time when they are highly receptive to your brand's messaging due to built-up anticipation. It is the most critical time to strengthen the brand-consumer relationship by delivering them the best post-purchase treatment and offering them a memorable purchase experience. Focusing on post-purchase engagement results in better customer retention. As per studies, even a 5% increase in customer...

5 Tips to Gain Customer Trust at the Start of Your ECommerce Career

Kapil Panchal - February 02, 2022

5 Tips to Gain Customer Trust at the Start of Your ECommerce Career

When’s the last time you bought something from a store you didn’t trust? Did it go well enough for you to try that again? If you’re ready to give another random eCommerce store a chance, that’s great! But, you might be much more adventurous than your typical shopper or the audience for your own store. Work to build up trust on your site instead of only getting people willing to take the plunge. Thankfully, there are plenty of efforts you can undertake from day one to build trust and establish...

What Are the Trends in B2B E-commerce in 2022?

Kapil Panchal - January 19, 2022

What Are the Trends in B2B E-commerce in 2022?

2021 was the year that pushed most traditional brick-and-mortar shops into an online environment. As millions of stores entered the market at the same time, the competition became fiercer than ever. The way the world does business changes all the time, but the coronavirus pandemic has kicked things into overdrive. It sparked all kinds of B2B eCommerce trends, such as AI-driven product personalization, omnichannel selling, and mobile-first sites. The platforms that followed design trends...


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