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C# 8 vs C# 11: Exploring the Key Differences for Business

Kapil Panchal - December 13, 2023

C# 8 vs C# 11: Exploring the Key Differences for Business

Importance of C# - custom software development C# has been dominating the world of programming for the last two decades. Did you know it is the favored language of about 31% of professionals worldwide? Yes, it’s a formidable force that stood as a catalyst for transformative solutions. It is even surprising to know that 34% of Fortune 500 companies comprehensively rely on C# for custom DOT NET development projects. This technology has been constantly evolving since its inception, with each...

A Comprehensive Guide on C# SOLID Principles

Kapil Panchal - September 23, 2021

A Comprehensive Guide on C# SOLID Principles

Table of Content 1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) 2. Open-Closed Principle (OCP) 3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) 4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) 5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) 6. Conclusion In C#, SOLID design principles are basic design principles. SOLID Principles enable us to overcome most of the design problems. In the 1990s, Robert Martin compiled these principles. These principles provided us with many ways to overcome tight coupled...

How to create a simple Outlook Add-in using C#?

Kapil Panchal - August 30, 2021

How to create a simple Outlook Add-in using C#?

Table of Content 1. What is Add-in in Outlook? 2. Outlook Object Model 3. Creating Add-in 4. Testing 5. Conclusion What is Add-in in Outlook? In Outlook, Add-ins are programs that help us to automate certain tasks according to our ease like when we view or create messages. i.e., Trello, Skype, Zoom, Evernote, etc. Outlook Object Model When we are talking about Outlook add-in, we must know the basics of the following objects: Application:...

Introduction to Mini-profiler in C#

Kapil Panchal - February 21, 2021

Introduction to Mini-profiler in C#

For a developer a main challenge is to debug and optimize queries that are written for the request made to the server. It is impossible to get the exact time of the queries request for each page. Usually, developer considers count such as one, two, three and calculate the average but this is not a solution and as a developer, this is not we want. In developer's tool network tab provide information about the time per the request made for a page load but that is not enough for a developer...

How to store Encrypted Session Data in the Browser?

Kapil Panchal - February 18, 2021

How to store Encrypted Session Data in the Browser?

When you are developing the websites with JavaScript, you can use the localStorage and sessionStorage. In the localStorage and sessionStorage, the data stores in key-value pair in the user’s web browser. It is also known as sandboxed for each website, you can access only your data store on every website, and you can’t access to localStorage and sessionStorage objects being saved from another website. The data stores carefully because this data is volatile. Volatile means not permanent...


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