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13 Important .Net Core Libraries that Every .Net Core Developer Should Know

Kapil Panchal - September 21, 2020

13 Important .Net Core Libraries that Every .Net Core Developer Should Know

In the .Net web development industry, the challengers are moderately increasing with each passing day. Thus, the utilization of cutting-edge technologies and the latest innovations have become more foremost. .Net Core is one of them which is a trivial and cross-platform version of the .Net framework and the magnificent thing is that developers needed similar expertise to code with .Net Core as that of .Net Framework. With every new update, modern features are enhanced that assist developers...

11 important .Net Development Tools for Smarter Development

Kapil Panchal - September 04, 2020

11 important .Net Development Tools for Smarter Development

There are thousands of .Net Development companies and developers who are using the .Net framework each day to build numerous types of applications. As a result, this has turned to an increase in a huge number of third-party tools. Each tool has its own characteristics to be useful and valuable. For the enterprise level, business owners and web application development agencies have had detailed research to go with the right tool for the respective project they have in-house. The third-party...

Web Application Development Using ASP.NET Blazor Framework

Kapil Panchal - June 16, 2020

Web Application Development Using ASP.NET Blazor Framework

Overview: Blazor is a free and open-source web structure that empowers engineers to make web applications utilizing C# and HTML. It is being created by Microsoft. If you need the interactivity of a single-page app in your .NET app, then at that point Blazor Server is an extraordinary arrangement. Blazor server can be utilized to compose totally new applications or to supplement existing MVC and Razor Pages applications. There's no compelling reason to rework the...

How Boilerplate Entity Framework is used in .Net Web Applications

Kapil Panchal - April 03, 2020

How Boilerplate Entity Framework is used in .Net Web Applications

Microsoft announced in the recent past, the first completely redesigned version of Asp.Net framework, a framework which already has a huge popularity in developing robust web applications. And this version is named as Asp.Net Core 1.0, which is an open-source as well as the cross-platform framework. Using it’s updated version, one can able to build web applications, develop websites, and form web services as per the project requirements. To further accelerate your desktop web application...


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