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 A step-by-step guide on Excel Add-in development using React.js

Kapil Panchal - October 04, 2022

A step-by-step guide on Excel Add-in development using React.js

Table of Content 1.What is an Excel Add-in? 2.Prerequisites for setting up your development environment 3.How to build Excel Add-in using React 4.How to run Excel Add-in? 5.How to create a Table using ReactJS? 6.How to Filter data in a table? 7.How to sort data in the table? 8.Conclusion ...

A Tutorial for Excel-Add Ins Development

Kapil Panchal - December 29, 2021

A Tutorial for Excel-Add Ins Development

Table of Content 1. What are Add-ins in Excel? 2. Components of an Excel Add-In 2.1 A Web Application 2.2A Manifest File 3. Creating an Excel Add-In 3.1 Write the code. 3.2Save as an Excel Add-in. 3.3 Add the macro to the Quick Access Toolbar. 4. Conclusion     Source:Pixabay There are various functions that excel add-ins offer to users. But then, it is essential to ensure you understand everything about excel add-ins before...

JavaScript based Excel Office Add-in in Visual Studio

Kapil Panchal - January 07, 2021

JavaScript based Excel Office Add-in in Visual Studio

Table of Content 1. COM and VSTO Add-ins Different to Office-Add-ins? 2. Components of an Office Add-in 2.1.Manifest 2.1. Web App 3. Extending and Interacting with Office Clients 4. Create an Excel Task Pane Add-in 5. Create Your Add-In Project 6. Create a Table 7. Code the Add-In 8. Test the Add-In 9. Conclusion If you build an Office application in Office add-in you can use these technologies HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and interact with...


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