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Innovative Ways - Satisfied Clientele
Innovative Ways - Satisfied Clientele
Kapil Panchal - November 23, 2021
Table of Content 1. Feel a gap exists between release & sustainability of the Microsoft products 2. It will never update 3. Microsoft will replace .NET with something functionally similar 4. Concentration on making .NET Core more agile and powerful 5. Future of .NET development will be Xamarin Forms 4 and Unity 8 6. There is no single sign that it will change in a midterm perspective 7. Conclusion There is nothing in the realm of technology that remains constant in...
Kapil Panchal - November 09, 2021
Table of Content 1.Mono 2.Dolphin Smalltalk 3.Ceylon 4.JAVA 5.Delphi 6.Python 7.C# 8.Embracing Javascript 9.Swift 10.ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 11.Various Multiple Alternatives 12.Conclusion The current digital era has compelled businesses to make their online presence through various sources like websites, web applications, or mobile apps and form brand visibility. It has pushed them to the point where they must maintain active connections with their customers...
Kapil Panchal - September 23, 2021
The REST Web API is a lightweight and critical component of web development for sharing data on several customer machines and devices, for example, mobile devices, desktop apps, or any Website. The permission of the REST Web API is also important for data sharing between multiple client machines and devices to protect the sensibility of data from all external violations and for authenticating the use of the target REST Web API. Authorization of the REST Web API can be done through a...
Kapil Panchal - September 17, 2021
Table of Content 1. What is Action Result? 2. Types of Action Results 2.1. View Result 2.2. Partial View Result 2.3. Redirect Result 2.4. Redirect to Action Result 2.5. JSON Result 2.6. File Result 2.7. Content Result 3. Difference between ViewResult and Partial ViewResult 4. Conclusion What is Action Result? In MVC, Action Results are results of action methods or return types of the corresponding action methods. There are...
Kapil Panchal - August 13, 2021
Table of Content 1. Creating MVC Application 1.1Adding Folder 2. Conclusion In this blog, we will shed light on how to upload and return a file in ASP.NET MVC. When a user uploads files, they should be uploaded to their project folder. We need to create a folder for the uploaded file in our project. Let’s get started with creating an MVC application. Creating MVC Application Create a new MVC application for file uploading and downloading. Adding...