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Implementing Auth0 in Angular with NgRx

Kapil Panchal - July 07, 2021

Implementing Auth0 in Angular with NgRx

Table of Content 1. What is Auth0? 2. What is NgRx in Angular? 3. Implement Auth0 in Angular application with NgRx: 3.1 Create an Angular app and Install the Dependencies 3.2 Add the Auth service abstraction 4. Include AuthModule 4.1 Add NgRx 4.2 Add the Actions 4.3 Add the reducer and the state 4.4 Add the effects 4.5 Add the selectors 4.6 Build component 5 Conclusion What is Auth0? Auth0 is a versatile, drop-in...

The Complete Guide To Angular Security

Kapil Panchal - July 01, 2021

The Complete Guide To Angular Security

Table of Content 1. What is Angular? 2. Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.1. Sanitization 3. HTTP-related Vulnerabilities 3.1. cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) 3.2. Cross-site script inclusion (XSSI) 4. Avoid Hazardous Angular API Endpoints 5. Use Route Guards on the Navigation 6. Avoid customizing Angular files 7. Stay updated with the latest Angular library 8. Conclusion What is Angular? Angular is one type...

Creating Reusable Angular Components

Kapil Panchal - June 25, 2021

Creating Reusable Angular Components

Table of Content 1. What are Reusable Components? 2. What are the ways to create reusable components? 3. What are the types of Reusable Components? 3.1. Container Components 3.2. Presentation Components 4. Content Projection (transclusion) 4.1. Template to the rescue 5. Conclusion What are Reusable Components? Angular was designed to advance code reusability. Reusable components are those react components that can be used multiple...

Error Handling with Angular

Kapil Panchal - June 24, 2021

Error Handling with Angular

Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Why Do We Deal with Errors? 3. HTTP Errors 4. Client-side HTTP errors 5. What is the best way to deal with such errors? 6. Default Error Handling 7. Error Handling on a Global Scale 8. HTTP Error Interceptor 8.1.Error Page 8.2.Loading page 8.3.Error Dialog 9. Conclusion Introduction In this blog, we will learn the most popular error handling solutions in Angular. Before making a move on to...

A Complete Guide on Angular RxJS Library

Kapil Panchal - June 22, 2021

A Complete Guide on Angular RxJS Library

Table of Content 1. What is Reactive Programming? 2.What is RxJS? 3.What is Observable? 4. Advantages of using RxJS 5. Disadvantages of using RxJS 6. Installation and Configuration Setup 7. RxJS Package Installation 8. Working with RxJS & Angular 9. RxJS: Most commonly used operators 9.1.SWITCH MAP 9.2. MERGE MAP 9.3. THROTTLE TIME/a> 9.4.MAP & PLUCK 10.Conclusion What is Reactive Programming? RxJS stands for Reactive Extension...


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