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How to choose technology for software and IT product?

Kapil Panchal - May 19, 2021

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How to choose technology for software and IT product?

Despite having abundant options in the market, picking the right technology stack for a software development project is still a challenging task. As you delve deeper into the array of technologies, the pros and cons of each would make it even more difficult for you to clear the best suitable technology for your project.

Few companies look to kick off their project either by personal preferences or by previous technology experience. However, personal preference can take you in the wrong direction because the subjective technology can be outdated, may not support the required features, and can be expensive to develop. Therefore, it’s really important to come out and understand what would work exactly to the needs.


Have clear vision, analyze implemented solutions, and check long-term support

“First of all, it’s worth analyzing implemented solutions on the market and making a summary of used technologies. Many businesses prefer sticking to the same tech stack to avoid potential pitfalls. For example, if a company uses .NET applications, starting with Python-based solutions can be challenging: it can imply changing the existing infrastructure, hiring new developers, reeducating in-house development teams, adopting new CI/CD practices, etc.

Second, if using new technologies isn’t a problem, businesses still have to think if they are well-prepared to support these solutions in the long run. Say, maintaining a customized SAP portal and a custom solution with artificial intelligence features can require different knowledge and scope of effort.

Third, decision-makers should have a clear vision of their enterprises’ technological evolution at least for a few years ahead. If a particular technology is very close to becoming outdated, there is no point in using it to develop software. It can be more logical to adopt new technologies that will be easier to customize and support in the future.”

- Ivan Kot, Solution Consultant @ Itransition

Proper and Complete Product Roadmap Helps

“Every year is a learning opportunity for business owners. Everyone thinks that once you own a business, all you do is sit there and do nothing, but the great thing about it is how much you’ll always continue to learn and grow as a person. When you’re approaching a decision about which software development technology you should choose for your business, you first have to consider the cost of it and what it has to offer. With so much competition on the market, you can probably find exactly what you’re looking for at a good price. Don’t just fall for the first thing that pops up on your Google search or doesn’t just choose which one has prettier marketing. You also have to consider if it’s even beneficial to your particular business or if the idea of it just sounds cool. You can identify what works for you by how comfortable you feel about it. If one program looks cool, but you have many questions about it, that’s probably not the one for you. If you can read about a program where you understand most of it, and it doesn’t leave you feeling like a high school student in an organic chemistry class, that’s the one. Choose what makes you comfortable to work with and what truly gives you what you’re looking for.”

- Tim Denman, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at ServGrow

Compare benefits and pricing of various Technologies

“The first thing a business needs to do is determine what benefit the technology provides that they aren’t already getting elsewhere. Then it should be determined if that benefit can be achieved less expensively internally than what the technology costs. Businesses are all about making money so they can stay in business, so cost analysis is important. However, that’s not the only consideration, they should also look at intangible benefits like reducing the workload for employees. A less stressed out workforce equates to higher efficiency and productivity rates.

When deciding which technology to purchase, there are some important considerations. Business leaders should compare the technologies available and ensure that whatever they choose best suits their needs. They should not just compare pricing, although that is a factor, they need to ensure it will do what they need it to do. No one wants to spend money on a product that ends up not serving a purpose. It’s also important to remember that some companies will work with businesses on what they need. If you find yourself in between two tiers where one isn’t quite enough and the other is way over what you need, call the company. They may be able to tailor a product to your needs at a price that falls in between those tiers.

The biggest thing, though, is to make sure that technology does what you need it to do, provides a benefit to the business, and doesn’t break the bank.”

- Pieter VanIperen, Managing Partner at PWV Consultants

Unused innovations, improvement strategies, and client inclinations

“Well, for computer program engineers, patterns tend to demonstrate where the industry is headed. Unused innovations, improvement strategies, and client inclinations can be key pointers with respect to where you ought to center your improvement aptitudes. Remaining on the best of modern innovation patterns could be an awesome way to future-proof your software advancement aptitudes, guaranteeing your capacities don’t age as ineffectively as a Korn CD. In the past, creating applications regularly implied choosing to begin from a single stage, like iOS or Android. After building the introductory app for one stage, program designers seem to make another form for a diverse stage which required them to commit assets to port code between each working system.”

- Rameez G, Marketing Director at Profit Guru

Depends on Project type, complexity, speed, specialists, and cost

“There are certain steps you must take when determining which technology you choose for a web development project.

  1. The type and scope of the project
  2. Determine how complex it will be
  3. Determine the project speed
  4. Find out if there are specialists available for this tech stack
  5. Find out how much it will cost to hire them

Everything else is less important - these are the starting steps that will greatly influence the path you will take when choosing a tech stack.”

- Petra Odak, Chief Marketing Officer at Better Proposals

Resources and Future load for the system

“In my view, there are two main factors that should be taken into consideration: the load for the system in the near future and the number of resources that could be dedicated to development. Note that development is not only writing software from scratch, but that’s also supporting this code further as well. Decomposition of the system that you are trying to build is the key. This way you will be able to have an incremental upgrade of one of the components which load will increase and not spend time and resources on the others.”

- Dmytro Okunyev, Founder at Chanty

Multiple aspects

“To choose a Technology they are 5 aspects to consider:

  • Requirements & Standards

  • Technology Fitness

  • Technology Sustainability

  • Vendor trust

  • Skills available internally and on the market

In terms of process, depending on the size of the company, it can vary.

Generally, it starts from (Enterprise) Architecture.

For custom software development, it depends:

  • For new intellectual property, technology choice is focusing on the technology stability and the performance prowess

  • For new business applications/ business features it is better to rely upon frameworks, API, proven stacks. Software architecture is key.

  • For prototyping: anything that will help you to build fast like scaffolding, generators.

  • For businesses heavily regulated: whatever have business support, data, security, and auditability by design.”

- Yannick HUCHARD from yannickhuchard.com

“Before you can select a technology, you need to do some preparatory work to understand what technology actually makes the most sense for you and your needs.


The Complexity of a Project

While small projects usually need to be delivered in the shortest time possible, so it’s reasonable to use simple technologies for them, like CMS or WordPress.

As for the middle and large-size projects, they would need more complex tech stacks with a combination of several technologies. There are several tech stacks that can be used for complex projects:


Identify your desired functionality.

Different technologies are good at doing different things. If you are able to define your features and functionality of what you are intended to build, then you can begin the process of understanding how you want whichever technology you choose to serve you. That is the key there, thinking as to how the technology will best serve you. If you need very fine-tuned mapping functionality, you may select a very niche technology, like Cesium.JS, whereas if you need more basic mapping functionality, you could select a more common stack.


Identify any 3rd parties that you'll need to interact with.

Again, think of how this technology will serve you. If you know that you will need to integrate with other services, then you need to be sure that the technology you select is compatible with those services.


Pin-point your industry.

It is important to know your industry because there are different tech stacks that are common for different industries. While you could select a different technology, the angle you should more be coming from here is ensuring that you are choosing a tech stack that will allow you to easily find talent that has experience with this technology AND your industry.


Pin-point your platforms.

Different technologies support different platforms. If you want mobile and web, or just Android, or just a Chrome extension...that all will influence what technology you are going to select.


Plan your future roadmap

Think ahead! Getting the project done is just one step of the software experience. The software requires continuous maintenance and updating. If you are selecting an outdated language, or a tech stack that doesn't have a large developer community, then it will bring about challenges when you try to scale up. Also, some technologies aren't good for scale, whereas others are.”

- David Pawlan, Co-Founder of Aloa

Searching for Reliable Custom Software Development Company ? Your Search ends here.

“There are a vast number of software development companies out there. So, it isn't easy to choose from one of them since they are all indistinguishable. Before choosing one of them, you need to know some key factors to determine if the particular company will benefit you


Researching their website

The company's website is its face, and this holds for everyone. A good agency website should contain a description of the services provided and examples of projects carried out. It is great to see a blog, which shows that a real team is working and has enough experience to share their expertise with others.


Learn about relevant experience and technologies

Examine the shortlisted developers' respective portfolios - what projects have they done, in what business niches? When choosing a software development company, if the projects match your business niche, it will undoubtedly be easier for them to organize the work for you. It is quite possible that they already have successful solutions tested in practice.


Ask about methodology and stages of development.

Ask a company representative what methods they use in development. Your advantage lies in the iterative, step-by-step development and the customer's maximum involvement in the process. At the end of each sprint (about two weeks), you will receive results that clearly show how the development process is going.

Before choosing which technology works for your custom software development, you need to look at some of the top custom software technology for you.



The critical feature of Blockchain is data security, and it can be used to safeguard confidential financial and business data. Its ability to protect data has established a foothold in the banking and financial sector, while now it does leverage its increasingly essential safety features in other sectors such as health, media, etc.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential element for all the technology platforms that people worldwide use today. To present unique user experiences for their applications, companies are offering and incorporating advanced machine learning capabilities into their technology

- for example, AI-powered chatbots serve many customers daily.


Immersive technology

Augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR) are the most innovative technologies that have been available for quite some time. These technologies are used significantly in the consumer market in virtual reality games, augmented reality holograms, and much more.

- Abby, Head of Marketing @ Wellpcb PTY LTD.


Understanding technologies and their features is really important before picking one for the project. Because projects are of various types like simple, mid-level, and complex, your choice of the technology stack is the one that decides your project’s future. In this blog, we have learned some significant tips to choose the right technology for the software development industry. It will help you to consider the essential factors before picking one for your software project.

How to choose technology for software and IT product? Despite having abundant options in the market, picking the right technology stack for a software development project is still a challenging task. As you delve deeper into the array of technologies, the pros and cons of each would make it even more difficult for you to clear the best suitable technology for your project. Few companies look to kick off their project either by personal preferences or by previous technology experience. However, personal preference can take you in the wrong direction because the subjective technology can be outdated, may not support the required features, and can be expensive to develop. Therefore, it’s really important to come out and understand what would work exactly to the needs.   Table of Content To simplify your concerns, this blog has brought some significant tips regarding technology choice for the software development industry. 1. Have clear vision, analyze implemented solutions, and check long-term support 2. Consider cost factor and choose what works for you 3. Compare benefits and pricing of various Technologies 4.Unused innovations, improvement strategies, and client inclinations 5. Depends on Project type, complexity, speed, specialists, and cost 6. Resources and Future load for the system 7. Multiple aspects 7.1. Identify your desired functionality. 7.2. Identify any 3rd parties that you'll need to interact with. 7.3.Pin-point your industry. 7.4.Pin-point your platforms. 7.5. Plan your future roadmap. 7.6. Researching their website 7.7. Learn about relevant experience and technologies 7.8. Ask about methodology and stages of development. 7.9.Blockchain 7.10. Artificial Intelligence (AI) 7.11.Immersive technology 8. Conclusion Have clear vision, analyze implemented solutions, and check long-term support “First of all, it’s worth analyzing implemented solutions on the market and making a summary of used technologies. Many businesses prefer sticking to the same tech stack to avoid potential pitfalls. For example, if a company uses .NET applications, starting with Python-based solutions can be challenging: it can imply changing the existing infrastructure, hiring new developers, reeducating in-house development teams, adopting new CI/CD practices, etc. Second, if using new technologies isn’t a problem, businesses still have to think if they are well-prepared to support these solutions in the long run. Say, maintaining a customized SAP portal and a custom solution with artificial intelligence features can require different knowledge and scope of effort. Third, decision-makers should have a clear vision of their enterprises’ technological evolution at least for a few years ahead. If a particular technology is very close to becoming outdated, there is no point in using it to develop software. It can be more logical to adopt new technologies that will be easier to customize and support in the future.” - Ivan Kot, Solution Consultant @ Itransition Proper and Complete Product Roadmap Helps “Every year is a learning opportunity for business owners. Everyone thinks that once you own a business, all you do is sit there and do nothing, but the great thing about it is how much you’ll always continue to learn and grow as a person. When you’re approaching a decision about which software development technology you should choose for your business, you first have to consider the cost of it and what it has to offer. With so much competition on the market, you can probably find exactly what you’re looking for at a good price. Don’t just fall for the first thing that pops up on your Google search or doesn’t just choose which one has prettier marketing. You also have to consider if it’s even beneficial to your particular business or if the idea of it just sounds cool. You can identify what works for you by how comfortable you feel about it. If one program looks cool, but you have many questions about it, that’s probably not the one for you. If you can read about a program where you understand most of it, and it doesn’t leave you feeling like a high school student in an organic chemistry class, that’s the one. Choose what makes you comfortable to work with and what truly gives you what you’re looking for.” - Tim Denman, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at ServGrow Read More: Top 8 Software Development Challenges Every Company Should Mitigate Compare benefits and pricing of various Technologies “The first thing a business needs to do is determine what benefit the technology provides that they aren’t already getting elsewhere. Then it should be determined if that benefit can be achieved less expensively internally than what the technology costs. Businesses are all about making money so they can stay in business, so cost analysis is important. However, that’s not the only consideration, they should also look at intangible benefits like reducing the workload for employees. A less stressed out workforce equates to higher efficiency and productivity rates. When deciding which technology to purchase, there are some important considerations. Business leaders should compare the technologies available and ensure that whatever they choose best suits their needs. They should not just compare pricing, although that is a factor, they need to ensure it will do what they need it to do. No one wants to spend money on a product that ends up not serving a purpose. It’s also important to remember that some companies will work with businesses on what they need. If you find yourself in between two tiers where one isn’t quite enough and the other is way over what you need, call the company. They may be able to tailor a product to your needs at a price that falls in between those tiers. The biggest thing, though, is to make sure that technology does what you need it to do, provides a benefit to the business, and doesn’t break the bank.” - Pieter VanIperen, Managing Partner at PWV Consultants Unused innovations, improvement strategies, and client inclinations “Well, for computer program engineers, patterns tend to demonstrate where the industry is headed. Unused innovations, improvement strategies, and client inclinations can be key pointers with respect to where you ought to center your improvement aptitudes. Remaining on the best of modern innovation patterns could be an awesome way to future-proof your software advancement aptitudes, guaranteeing your capacities don’t age as ineffectively as a Korn CD. In the past, creating applications regularly implied choosing to begin from a single stage, like iOS or Android. After building the introductory app for one stage, program designers seem to make another form for a diverse stage which required them to commit assets to port code between each working system.” - Rameez G, Marketing Director at Profit Guru Depends on Project type, complexity, speed, specialists, and cost “There are certain steps you must take when determining which technology you choose for a web development project. The type and scope of the project Determine how complex it will be Determine the project speed Find out if there are specialists available for this tech stack Find out how much it will cost to hire them Everything else is less important - these are the starting steps that will greatly influence the path you will take when choosing a tech stack.” - Petra Odak, Chief Marketing Officer at Better Proposals Resources and Future load for the system “In my view, there are two main factors that should be taken into consideration: the load for the system in the near future and the number of resources that could be dedicated to development. Note that development is not only writing software from scratch, but that’s also supporting this code further as well. Decomposition of the system that you are trying to build is the key. This way you will be able to have an incremental upgrade of one of the components which load will increase and not spend time and resources on the others.” - Dmytro Okunyev, Founder at Chanty Multiple aspects “To choose a Technology they are 5 aspects to consider: Requirements & Standards Technology Fitness Technology Sustainability Vendor trust Skills available internally and on the market In terms of process, depending on the size of the company, it can vary. Generally, it starts from (Enterprise) Architecture. For custom software development, it depends: For new intellectual property, technology choice is focusing on the technology stability and the performance prowess For new business applications/ business features it is better to rely upon frameworks, API, proven stacks. Software architecture is key. For prototyping: anything that will help you to build fast like scaffolding, generators. For businesses heavily regulated: whatever have business support, data, security, and auditability by design.” - Yannick HUCHARD from yannickhuchard.com “Before you can select a technology, you need to do some preparatory work to understand what technology actually makes the most sense for you and your needs.   The Complexity of a Project While small projects usually need to be delivered in the shortest time possible, so it’s reasonable to use simple technologies for them, like CMS or WordPress. As for the middle and large-size projects, they would need more complex tech stacks with a combination of several technologies. There are several tech stacks that can be used for complex projects:   Identify your desired functionality. Different technologies are good at doing different things. If you are able to define your features and functionality of what you are intended to build, then you can begin the process of understanding how you want whichever technology you choose to serve you. That is the key there, thinking as to how the technology will best serve you. If you need very fine-tuned mapping functionality, you may select a very niche technology, like Cesium.JS, whereas if you need more basic mapping functionality, you could select a more common stack.   Identify any 3rd parties that you'll need to interact with. Again, think of how this technology will serve you. If you know that you will need to integrate with other services, then you need to be sure that the technology you select is compatible with those services.   Pin-point your industry. It is important to know your industry because there are different tech stacks that are common for different industries. While you could select a different technology, the angle you should more be coming from here is ensuring that you are choosing a tech stack that will allow you to easily find talent that has experience with this technology AND your industry.   Pin-point your platforms. Different technologies support different platforms. If you want mobile and web, or just Android, or just a Chrome extension...that all will influence what technology you are going to select.   Plan your future roadmap Think ahead! Getting the project done is just one step of the software experience. The software requires continuous maintenance and updating. If you are selecting an outdated language, or a tech stack that doesn't have a large developer community, then it will bring about challenges when you try to scale up. Also, some technologies aren't good for scale, whereas others are.” - David Pawlan, Co-Founder of Aloa Searching for Reliable Custom Software Development Company ? Your Search ends here. See here “There are a vast number of software development companies out there. So, it isn't easy to choose from one of them since they are all indistinguishable. Before choosing one of them, you need to know some key factors to determine if the particular company will benefit you   Researching their website The company's website is its face, and this holds for everyone. A good agency website should contain a description of the services provided and examples of projects carried out. It is great to see a blog, which shows that a real team is working and has enough experience to share their expertise with others.   Learn about relevant experience and technologies Examine the shortlisted developers' respective portfolios - what projects have they done, in what business niches? When choosing a software development company, if the projects match your business niche, it will undoubtedly be easier for them to organize the work for you. It is quite possible that they already have successful solutions tested in practice.   Ask about methodology and stages of development. Ask a company representative what methods they use in development. Your advantage lies in the iterative, step-by-step development and the customer's maximum involvement in the process. At the end of each sprint (about two weeks), you will receive results that clearly show how the development process is going. Before choosing which technology works for your custom software development, you need to look at some of the top custom software technology for you.   Blockchain The critical feature of Blockchain is data security, and it can be used to safeguard confidential financial and business data. Its ability to protect data has established a foothold in the banking and financial sector, while now it does leverage its increasingly essential safety features in other sectors such as health, media, etc.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential element for all the technology platforms that people worldwide use today. To present unique user experiences for their applications, companies are offering and incorporating advanced machine learning capabilities into their technology - for example, AI-powered chatbots serve many customers daily.   Immersive technology Augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR) are the most innovative technologies that have been available for quite some time. These technologies are used significantly in the consumer market in virtual reality games, augmented reality holograms, and much more. - Abby, Head of Marketing @ Wellpcb PTY LTD. Conclusion Understanding technologies and their features is really important before picking one for the project. Because projects are of various types like simple, mid-level, and complex, your choice of the technology stack is the one that decides your project’s future. In this blog, we have learned some significant tips to choose the right technology for the software development industry. It will help you to consider the essential factors before picking one for your software project.
Kapil Panchal

Kapil Panchal

A passionate Technical writer and an SEO freak working as a Content Development Manager at iFour Technolab, USA. With extensive experience in IT, Services, and Product sectors, I relish writing about technology and love sharing exceptional insights on various platforms. I believe in constant learning and am passionate about being better every day.

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